A collection of Fashion creative works, such as advertising or marketing campaigns videos. Watch fashion and styling videos, shows and interviews with some of fashion's most famous faces.
Finding the Perfect Birthday Outfit Today's fashion world is a Merritt of colors, style, and person fashion sense. So how do you find the right birthday out...
What to Wear for Family Portraits
Family photos can be enhanced by choosing the perfect outfits for your family. There are many tips and tricks that can...
Clothes to Wear in New York
Are you planning to have a vacation in the fashion capital of the US? If you plan to go to New York City, prepare to...
Tennis Dress Code
Whether you are playing in a tournament or simply practicing in an un-umpired game, at a posh club or at your local ...
What to Wear to an Indoor Concert
At an anything goes environment like a concert, this is a great opportunity to take a style risk and experiment. Rem...
What to Wear to a Beach Wedding
The beach is a fun place to ride the waves, walk leisurely along the sand, and just bathe under the wide open, sunny...
What to Wear to an Outdoor Concert
What will you wear for that upcoming music festivals or concert that is being held outdoors? They take place around th...
Airline Dress Codes Airline Dress Codes Ban Cleavage, Shirts With ExpletivesA woman flying from Las Vegas on Southwest this spring says she ...
What to Wear to a Cocktail Party? If you're going to attend a cocktail party soon then you must know the following, who's going, who's hosting it? what ar...